Residence permit for entrepreneurs
Relocation to Europe for permanent residence under a Startup Visa program is your choice if:
  • You have an operating business outside the EU. We'll help you adjust your project to the requirements of a particular program.
  • You have a startup idea. We are ready to promote it in the European market. We'll help you grow your idea into a project approved by the facilitators and ministry of economics in the specific country.
Benefits of Startup Visa:
  • Fast processing time (2-4 months). It is granted for a period of 4 years, with the opportunity to extend and apply for EU citizenship.
  • It is granted to all family members: spouse, minor children, and dependent parents of the applicant. Your family members will enjoy work permit, free education, and access to medical care.
  • Tax holidays. 2-year income tax exemption for your company. Tax rate increases gradually over 4 years.
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